Monday, February 23, 2009

Christmas 2008

These are just a couple of pictures to describe Christmas. Due to lack of money and a new addition to the family, Christmas couldn't have been any better. Family from out of town came and that made it memorable. We were able to spend the holidays with both sides of the family so everyone got to see the new addition and we got to visit with family. Besides Alexander being the best gift ever, the rocking chair fell next in line. I wouldn't get out of the chair, that's how comfortable it was and is. What a nice way to close out the year by sharing it with family, friends and being grateful for the year of 2008.

1 comment:

Chris and Michelle said...

Alexander really is the best little gift... holidays only get better with the little ones that join our families, that is for sure!
It was so good to see you and Jose the other night, even if it was only for a few minutes! Alexander is looking sooooo darn cute. I wish I could have held him. Parker is soooo sick so it's better that I didn't! You have to keep posting pictures of that little guy. WHAT A CUTIE!!!