Monday, March 8, 2010

A Sad and Happy Change

I thought about putting a sad and happy ending, but it's not really an end. It's more of a change. For over 3 years serving as the Young Women President in my ward I was released on Sunday. :( I was in shock when I first got told it was going to happen. The Bishop asked if I was upset. I told him no and that it hadn't hit me. Thursday was the day. The day it hit me. I was gathering up my stuff to give to the new president when wham! It hit and for probably an hr or two I hit a depressive mode as well as some crying here and there. I didn't want to talk to anyone or do anything. I literally just sat in the computer room doing NOTHING! I know some people think oh it's not a big deal, it's just a calling. However, I can honestly say I've never enjoyed a calling so much as being the YW President. I served a great group of girls and had great counselors/advisors to work with. Jose on the other hand doesn't share my sadness. He's ecstatic. He couldn't be more happy. I'm sad, but I'm happy because now I don't have to worry about all the meetings, Wednesday night activities, new beginnings and evening of excellence, trek for youth conference this year and finding a camp director and getting that all ready. So there is relief. I just don't know what I'm going to do with myself!!! So much free time what to do?! It's been great to serve and I'm excited for the new leaders that are now in Young Women. I don't do well with change, but like I called this entry, a sad and happy change. I'm at peace and am looking forward to a break.


Beth said...

I can understand a little bit of where your coming from. I might be a little more excited for a little more freedom, but I know you make a certain bond with the girls. Good luck with the change!

Elena Lunt said...

So what is the new calling? How do you feel about primary chorister? That's my personal worst nightmare.

Debra said...

We appreciate all that you did. Hope you get some good R&R now!