Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Do any of you ponder about your life and think how boring it is?! I mean sometimes you hear about peoples lives and they seem to have adventure or something exciting going on. I've come to the realization that Jose and I are two very boring people. My mom mentioned how my blog is nothing about Jose and I; it's just Alexander. There's a reason for that, we're boring!! LOL We just take each day one at a time. We're learning life as newly parents and trying to adjust. If you ever came to my house before we had Alexander it was clean, but after we had Alexander it's amazing you can find anything! It definitely looks like we have a baby!! Kudos to all you parents who have figured out how to manage your time with a new born! Nothing exciting is going on with us. We just have a list of all these projects we want to do, but not enough time! So if you haven't pondered about your life now maybe after reading this you will. Is your life full of adventure and you have something exciting to tell people or is it like Jose and I-nothing exciting to tell unless a baby is involved?!


Sarah said...

We're pretty much the same way - only without the baby :) School consumes our life, that's for sure. We do try and travel, but most of the time, we just hang out. Nothing wrong with being boring!

Chris and Michelle said...

The problem is (if you call it a problem) that having kids and especially babies/toddlers CONSUMES practically EVERY moment of your time, so they ARE your life. So, your blog really is about you and Jose since your world at the moment revolves around Alexander.
It sure makes you wonder what you did with all that spare time pre-kids, doesn't it?! Just wait til the little guy starts MOVING..... :) You guys aren't boring. Just busy! :)