Friday, May 7, 2010

What to Read?

Alexander doesn't have a lot of books and he loves to read. He's always grabbing the same book saying "book" and climbing in my lap. I decided to take him to the library. Wednesday night we went out as a family to the library. Thinking it wouldn't take very long it ended up lasting for a good hour! Alexander is 17 months old and I don't know what books to get him. I grabbed the pamphlet that had suggestions, but when I went to go hunt them down they of course were...checked out. I need suggestions. PLEASE! If anyone has suggestions on what books to get let me know. Cindy, you were right about the Peek-a-Who Book, Alexander loves it. What are the dinosaur books called you were saying Atticus loves? I wrote them down, but the paper accidentally got thrown away. I do have a story about our first adventure at the library. Alexander was playing on the bean bag chairs they have in the kids section and Jose wanted to get a book so we told Alexander we were going to get Daddy a book. Alexander's response? I long drawled out "no." Picked him up and let him down while Daddy looked for his book and now that he can walk on his own he was everywhere in the aisles. I took his hand and said "lets go this way" and the response was once again a drawled out "no." I love the way he says it, it's so cute. On the other hand I'm not condoning it! I pick him up and the whole body goes as straight as an ironing board!!! What an adventure the library was. The question we ask now is "do we go back to the library?" As Alexander would say "No....!" The real answer is yes....I just don't know how soon!!!


Jill said...

What a fun adventure! I love the library. Whenever I take my niece and nephew there I just pick out some random stuff. I really like the book Skippy John Jones and the Pigeon books. Not sure who those are by. Something about not letting the pigeon drive the bus... anyways, they are easy, and cute. Might want him to be a little older to understand the humor in them. Good luck finding some more!

Debra said...

The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss. I read it to my kids over and over and over and over...

Rachel said...

The Pigeon books that Jill mentioned are by Mo Willems and they are printed in board books too! At the WJ library I love the little house shaped book shelf with all the board books. I'd let him sit in front of it and see what he wants to look at. I'm sometimes surprised when my kids don't like a book I think they'll love and one I think looks dumb they look at over and over. What a fun stage!! ps I'm so glad I found your blog

Chris and Michelle said...

Sandra Boynton board books are so fun for that age through preschool. One of our faves is "Snuggle Puppy"... you can also download songs that go with the books for free and they are so cute and fun for kids.

Autumn and Doug Smith said...

Hello, How are you doing? Getting ready to enjoy the summer? Yes, you do need to post some pictures. I can't believe your little guy is 17 months, how fast time flies.