Friday, September 23, 2011

All about Ava!

Ava had her 6 month check-up on Monday, wow! It's really amazing how fast they grow. She weighs a whopping 14.6 lbs dropping her to the 20%, her height is 24.8 in. long and I don't remember what her head circumference is. My mom calls her a "baby by the book" because she does everything by the book and when it's supposed to happen. At her 4 month check-up the Dr. asked if she was grabbing things and she wasn't really. Until that day after the appt. she started grabbing things. This check-up the Dr. asked if she was sitting up by herself and she wasn't...until a few days after. She's a "baby by the book!" She started rolling mid-July and exploring her feet and toes around the same time. You can count on her holding one foot in her hand while she nurses, guarantee. I never saw her roll from her stomach back onto her back until today when I put her down for her afternoon nap; sometimes it's an instant thing for her to roll when she lays down. Another thing you can count on is that no matter what time it is, if it's 7 at night or 3 o'clock in the morning she wakes up with a smile on her face. Her Aunts Leanne and Alisa call her smiley. Alexander has a talent for making her laugh. One time we were eating dinner and Alexander just looked at her, said something silly and she started laughing. Alexander LOVES her ears. He just can't seem to get enough!! I can't get enough of my two babies! They both make me laugh and smile. Everyday at work there's something in my kids that reminds me of my own and it makes me laugh and love them more and more. I love you Alexander and Ava.