Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Sorry no pictures for this entry. It dawned on me yesterday while telling my mom a story or two I realized I should write these down to put on my blog. Then I realized I should carry a notebook with me at all times to write not only funny/cute things Alexander and Ava do, but to just write about anything. I started work a week ago and I realized there are some simple joys in my life while I work. It may not be much, but who knows there could be more.
#1. There's just something about coming home from work being on your feet all day and putting on a pair of flip-flops! It's pure bliss.
#2. Coming home to see one baby's face light up with a smile when they see you and the other one saying "mommy" while he runs to jump in your arms. It reminds me that being a mom is very worthwhile. Thank you Alexander and Ava, Mommy loves you.
#3. Being at work and feeling you have a connection with a lot of students you've taught before to where they love to come up to you and give you hugs, a high five or just a simple wave.
#4. Coming home from work after being dressed "professionally" and being able to dress down in the most comfortable clothes imaginable. For me it's scroungy! For some reason being a mom is nice because you can stay in your pj's or dress scroungy all day and it won't matter. Where else do you have to go? What else are you going to do? So working gives me an excuse to dress nice and not just to look presentable!! Is this a problem?!!
I know 4 simple joys doesn't say much, but like I said who knows. I mean I'm only in the 2nd week of school!

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